Webinar Series

The main goals of the CCIS Webinar Series is conceptualization of a research framework for assessing proposed climate intervention strategies: Establish shared understanding of ongoing research of climate intervention strategies in different research communities and main challenges. Reach a perspectival integration for completeness of knowledge/understanding. Identify elements of a research program, identify existing and new working groups of such a program.

Overarching Questions

  • Identify grand challenges and science questions for each of these topics
  • Identify different groups involved already and still needed
  • List projects that exist and are planned that can be built upon
  • Identify needed collaborations from other communities and explain why

2022 Webinar Schedule

2021 Webinar Schedule

The CCIS 2021 webinar series is a continuation of the CCIS 2020 webinar series and continues establishing shared understanding of ongoing research of climate intervention strategies in different research communities and main challenges. Learn more